

Here you can download Full and Android Client Installers. There are 2 Installers available on in exe and one in rar or achived. For the EXE Version all you have to do is run it and it will install on its own, while for the RAR archive all you need is to extract it using winrar.

After Extracting iPlay RO Full Client using WINRAR
You should see the following files and run the iPlay RO Patcher to Play the GAME

Common Problems: Stuck in Gepard Loading

Solution: Open iPlay RO Settings and Click "Apply" and "Ok"
Then run your iPlay Ro Patcher again.

Do you want to Enable Gray MAP on your client?

Follow this step

1. First Step Download this GrayMAP Files

2. Extract this inside your iPlay RO Full Client using WINRAR

Do you want to Disable Gray MAP on your client?

Follow this step

1. First Step Download this DISABLE GRAYMAP

2. Extract this inside your iPlay RO Full Client using WINRAR
